FENN Rolling Mills for any application up to 3.3 million lbs. (1500 MT) separating force

Learn more about FENN Rolling Mills

Different Configurations
available for
Maximum Efficiency

FENN engineers and manufactures a complete line of precision rolling mill machines, offering a wide range of standard and custom rolling mills for a variety of applications. These rolling mill applications include heavy ingot breakdown, laboratory research, coil-to-coil rolling, and precision strips.

Our rolling mills are available in 2Hi and 4Hi roll configurations. Mills may be either work roll-driven, back-up roll-driven, or a combination of both.

  • 4HI mills with work rolls are offered as small as .500″ (12.7mm) in diameter
  • 2HI mills are offered with rolls up to 16″ (400mm) in diameter

Designed and built to your production requirements

FENN Rolling Mills are engineered to meet the critical requirements of metallurgical research and applications up to 3.3 million pounds (1500 MT) separating force. FENN designs and builds rolling mills that are available with a complete offering of material handling options, processing, gauging, and labor-saving accessories. FENN offers customizable rolling mills for processing ferrous, non-ferrous, alloy, exotic, and engineered metals for production and laboratory applications.

FENN offers hot and cold milling machinery and combination mills that can accommodate both hot and cold rolling applications. Hot rolling is a process in which metal heats above the recrystallization temperature, allowing the material to deform on a microscopic level and take its new shape. Cold rolling is when the process is conducted at room temperature and does not require heating the metal.

Typical Materials Type of Mills Applications
Steel Research Bonding Material Research
Copper Mint Aerospace
Lead Powder Consumer
Aluminum Hot Rolling Automotive
Superconducting Cold Rolling Military
Exotic Metals  Rod Renewable Energy 
Precious Metals  Strip  
Platinum  Sheet  
Ferrous / Non-Ferrous  Plate  

Unusual application? No problem.

We have experience with a variety of applications. A few examples of how our customers have used FENN rolling mills.

  • Breakdown rolling either straight lengths or coil to coil
  • Finish rolling for tight tolerance thin gauge stock
  • Powder metallurgy rolling
  • Bonding dissimilar metals together
  • Laboratory mills used for research and development (R&D)
  • Camber correction of BI-metal strip after electron-beam welding
  • Grooved rolls for rod rolling of square or circular sections
  • Embossed rolls for pattern rolling
  • Two-High
    Generally, a 2-HI mill is used for hot or cold breakdown and finishing of bar, sheet or strip. A wide range of sizes with separating force capacities from 10,000 lbs. (4.53 MT) to over 3,000,000 lbs. (1360 MT) are available.
  • Three-High
    A 3-HI mill is an economic milling solution for the breakdown of rod and ingot.
  • Four-High
    A 4-HI mill may be used for finishing rolling thin gauge stock. 6-HI roll inserts are also available for narrow-width ribbon and foil products.
  • Combination
    A combination rolling mill is a versatile “two-in-one” type of metal rolling mill that permits both 2-HI and 4-HI rolling operations.
  • Tandem
    Tandem rolling mills combine two or more mill stands for multiple-pass rolling. They are often used with turbine heads, edgers, dancers, inter-stand tensiometers, payoff, and take-up equipment.
  • Horizontal
    This type of rolling mill is designed for the field of powered metallurgy, plastics, and battery industries.
  • Laboratory
    FENN designs custom, specialized mills engineered to meet the critical requirements of metallurgists and scientists in research and university fields and pilot line development.
  • Mill with Winders
    A mill set up with winders on either side allows for the rolling of continuous coil for sheet or thin foil.
All FENN rolling mills, including laboratory models, offer a complete offering of material handling, processing, gauging, and labor-saving accessories.

Laboratory Mills

From our Engineers to your Research Facility

For research and development (R&D) applications, FENN manufactures laboratory rolling mills equipped with Statistical Process Controls (SPC) to track and record “real-time” data. R&D projects may require the testing of multiple materials. Laboratory rolling mills are designed to accommodate a variety of materials for testing and manipulation. The precision strip mills FENN engineers are designed to meet the critical requirements of metallurgical research. With separating force capabilities from 30,000 pounds. (13.6 MT) to 1,175,000 pounds  (533 MT), our mills have received wide acceptance in laboratories, where precision, flexibility, and compactness are important. Our trusted engineers are prepared to work with research facilities, colleges, and universities to provide a customized mill suited to their unique requirements. 


Standard Features of a FENN Rolling Mill

Every FENN Rolling Mill is designed and manufactured with features to maximize uptime and increase production quantities. Typical standard features of FENN’s rolling mills can include:

  • Automatic gauge control
  • Data acquisition system
  • Automatic pass scheduling
  • Asymmetric rolling
  • Motorized conveyor tables
  • Built-in roll change rig
  • Driveshaft support system
  • Interlock safety guarding

Our staff of experts collaborates with customers to create customized rolling mill machines for unique requirements. Mills are produced in a variety of sizes, ranging from a roll size of 3” (76mm) in diameter to a roll size of 30” (762mm) in diameter. Screw-down options include mechanical, electro-mechanical, and servo-hydraulic.

Ancillary Options, Custom for your Specifications

Rolling mill accessories for wire flattening and shaping can be incorporated into the milling operation. Accessory options can help reduce labor costs while increasing a business’ production quantity, quality, and profit. Many optional rolling mill accessories can help with wire flattening and shaping. With our rolling mill machine manufacturing expertise and design flexibility, we can build and create economical rolling mill equipment to meet your business needs. FENN welcomes the opportunity to serve you.

Meeting the Ever-Changing Needs of Your Business

From manufacturing state-of-the-art machines to installation, maintenance, and upgrades, we provide customers with unparalleled customer service from start to finish. Our team of engineers delivers professional metal forming solutions to address a variety of business initiatives that center around the formation of custom metal parts. We can help you take your business to the next level by working closely with your research and development department to manufacture all new equipment or to retrofit and update your existing FENN metal forming equipment to better meet your business's ever-changing needs.

Rolling Mills for These Applications

Renewable Energy

Anti-tank rocket tips, gun barrels, MS-spec fitting swaged onto cables


Drive shafts, axels, emergency brake cables assemblies, optical instruments


Aircraft frames, alloys, turbine blades, control cables, springs 


Development related to improving grain structure and finish


Catheter band assemblies, hypodermic needles, optical instruments


Superconducting material, zirconium rod and cartridge heaters

FENN Spares

FENN understands that uptime is key to your business’s productivity and profitability. We offer a full range of spare parts available for both FENN and Torin metal forming machines. With an extensive inventory, FENN can offer a wide array of parts shipped to your door. Our knowledgeable staff will help to ensure you receive the necessary parts to keep your equipment running efficiently with minimal downtime. Using FENN spare parts is an essential aspect that can help maximize your machine’s efficiency. Don’t know exactly what you need? Our experienced staff will take the time to work with you to understand your unique requirements.  

Upgrade Program for Your Aging Machinery 
FENN machinery upholds a legacy of quality, reliable and long-lasting machinery. Our machines are designed to stand the test of time, ensuring your investment is secure. FENN has developed an upgrade program for upgrading, rebuilding, or retrofitting your existing FENN equipment. Customers can maximize their machine productivity for aging equipment and extend the machine’s usable life. 
Training, Support & Service 
We offer comprehensive training programs that can be tailored to meet your business needs. Whether you have purchased a new metal forming machine, upgraded existing equipment or your experienced staff is retiring, FENN is available to answer questions and offer training to keep your business productive. 
We’re Here For You
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