FENN Solutions

Repeat Customer Purchases Swager, Sound Enclosure & Feeder

6F-Sized Swager Paired with a Hydraulic Feeder & Sound Enclosure

Objectives & Background:

  • A repeat and long-standing customer approached FENN looking for a solution to increase production capabilities & efficiencies with their swaging operation.
  • The customer required safety equipment to be implemented into their swaging process.
  • Having multiple FENN machines, the customer chose to work with FENN to improve their swaging process because they are comfortable operating & maintaining FENN equipment.

FENN’s Solution:

  • Due to the size of the material being swaged, FENN recommended a 6F-sized swager to accommodate the customer’s production requirements.
  • As with all swager purchases, FENN recommended a sound enclosure to reduce the noise level of the swaging operation to below OSHA’s permissible exposure limit for hearing protection.
  • With all swager proposals, FENN recommends a feeding system accompany the swager. For this customer’s 6F swager FENN proposed a 40H feeding system to improve safety & efficiency of material handling during the swaging process.

Value to Customer:

  • The customer received a swaging solution custom to their production requirements.
    • Working with FENN during every step of the process, enabled the customer to customize the sound enclosure to their specifications.
  • The 6F rotary swager consists of a 4-die configuration with the capacity of swaging solid material up to 2¼” and tubing up to 4½”
  • FENN’s feeder table design incorporates a rigid base with a hydraulically powered, accurate, sliding top for precise applications.
    • The unit is ideal for high accuracy products and reduction applications.
  • Both the 6F-swager and 40H feeder are controlled with a single operator station.
    • Start cycle, stop cycle, jog forward/reverse, E-stop & more can be controlled from the operator station.
  • Upon delivery, the customer received peace of mind knowing FENN machinery comes standard with a 1-year warranty and a lifetime of remote support capabilities.

Example of a FENN 40H Feeder & a 6F Swager:

May 25th, 2021 |