FENN Metal Forming Machine Blog | Metal Forming Industry News

Fully Automated Turn-Key Solutions for Machine Operations | Swagers

Written by info@napcon-communications.com | Jan 26, 2019 3:37:06 AM

For over a century, FENN has been a leader in the metal forming machinery industry because of the unmatched quality of customized solutions they provide for each customer. Though already a renowned producer of a broad range of Rolling Mills, Drawbenches, Swagers, and other metal forming machinery, FENN is delving into another market: automation. FENN is now offering fully automated turn-key solutions to a wide range of engineering applications. In industries across the globe, automated solutions are replacing traditional man-powered machinery – at this point, making the step to automation is necessary to hold a competitive edge.

Benefits of FENN’s Turn-Key Automated Solutions

Safety – With difficult and dangerous tasks now being fully automated, workers and machinists are removed from hazardous work operations and redeployed to safer locations. Factory laborers are regularly placed in conditions where they are prone to chronic injuries that result from physical stress, strain, overexertion, repetitive motion, awkward postures, and heavy lifting. These chronic injuries are not only detrimental to the workforce but can become costly for companies.

Productivity – Removing workers from manual repetitive tasks by replacing them with FENN’s automated machinery will allow them to focus on other projects. This will grant your company the ability to take the next step in terms of innovation and development and will provide a sharp competitive advantage.

Affordability – Humans are distinctly unable to keep up with the pace of work that a robotic system can maintain for hours on end. Round the clock manufacturing is also significantly more feasible and affordable when robotics and machines are doing the heavy lifting and manufacturing leg work.

Consistency – Automated processes will produce the same product over and over again, with greater speed, consistency, and precision than even the most experienced machinists and operators. Unlike manual operations, the customized programming that’s driving FENN’s products is not taking shifts – meaning the same code that produced the first product will produce the tenth and the ten thousandth.

Reliability – The experts at FENN will work with each client to ensure the solution provided is the best and most efficient option for the task at hand. The turn-key solutions available at FENN are designed so that the implementation of the systems into the current manufacturing process is seamless and ready to use upon arrival.

Taking Your Company to the Next Level

A wide range of FENN’s equipment can now be transformed into a fully automated production system. The engineers at FENN work with each customer to provide an automated turn-key solution for their manufacturing needs, including Wire Flattening and Shaping Equipment, Swagers, Drawbenches, Turks Heads, Torin® Spring Coilers, and Rolling Mills. To become the leader in your industry, steps to modernize and automate the manufacturing process are becoming increasingly necessary – and with FENN, it’s easy.